Who did Jesus speak to first?
Who did Jesus speak to first?

Who did Jesus speak to first?

Who did Jesus speak to first?

Throughout the New Testament, there are many instances where Jesus is recorded as speaking to various individuals. However, one may wonder, who did Jesus speak to first? In order to answer this question, we must delve into the scriptures and explore the interactions of Jesus with those around Him.

Jesus’ Birth and Childhood

The first recorded interaction of Jesus in the Bible takes place during His infancy. According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was born in Bethlehem and visited by shepherds who had received word from angels about His birth. It is here that Jesus speaks to these shepherds, proclaiming the good news of His arrival.

Jesus’ Baptism

Following His birth, the next significant interaction of Jesus occurs at His baptism by John the Baptist. As Jesus is baptized in the Jordan River, a voice from heaven speaks to Him, saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” This moment marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and signifies His divine calling.

Jesus’ Temptation

After His baptism, Jesus is led into the wilderness where He is tempted by Satan. During this time of testing, Jesus converses with the devil and ultimately overcomes each temptation by quoting scripture. This moment demonstrates Jesus’ unwavering faith and reliance on the Word of God.

Jesus’ Disciples

As Jesus begins to gather His disciples and travel throughout the region, He speaks to many individuals along the way. From fishermen and tax collectors to Samaritans and religious leaders, Jesus engages with people from all walks of life. It is through these interactions that Jesus demonstrates His love, compassion, and teachings.

Jesus’ Miracle at the Wedding in Cana

One of the most well-known interactions of Jesus takes place at the wedding in Cana, where He performs His first miracle by turning water into wine. In this moment, Jesus speaks to His mother, Mary, saying, “Woman, why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come.” Despite His initial hesitation, Jesus ultimately performs the miracle, revealing His divine power and authority.


In conclusion, the question of who Jesus spoke to first is a multifaceted one, as His interactions with various individuals play a crucial role in His ministry and teachings. From His birth and baptism to His temptations and miracles, Jesus’ conversations with others reflect his mission to bring salvation to all people. By studying these encounters, we can gain a deeper understanding of Jesus’ character and purpose on earth.
In essence, Jesus spoke to a wide range of individuals throughout His time on earth, demonstrating His love and compassion for all. As we reflect on these interactions, may we be inspired to follow in His footsteps and share His message of hope and redemption with those around us.

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